Week 3 timetable

Week 3 timetable

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Adverb Poems

Silently - Josiah Hunt

Silently the cougar stalks it's prey
Silently the darkness takes the day
Silently death comes to the old
Silently the old brick wall grows mould
silently the reptile slides through the grass
Silently the bird flys over the pass
Silently the wind passes through my hair
Silently the foggy land is clear
Silently the breath leaves my mouth
Silently the freezing penguins head south
Silently the vase sits on the sill
Silently, in my room I lie still

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adverb poem


Softly a snail moves along the ground.
softly a leaf falls off a tree.
Softly clouds creep along the sky.
Softly a rain drop hits the roof.
Softly Courtney screws up her paper
softly my brush goes threw my hair.
Softly I wisper to a friend.
Shhh shhhh shhhh!!!

from georgia