Week 3 timetable

Week 3 timetable

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Adverb Poems

Silently - Josiah Hunt

Silently the cougar stalks it's prey
Silently the darkness takes the day
Silently death comes to the old
Silently the old brick wall grows mould
silently the reptile slides through the grass
Silently the bird flys over the pass
Silently the wind passes through my hair
Silently the foggy land is clear
Silently the breath leaves my mouth
Silently the freezing penguins head south
Silently the vase sits on the sill
Silently, in my room I lie still

Monday, September 17, 2007

What is bullying?

Explain what YOU think bullying is and why it happens.

Rock Climbing

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What do you think 'Valuing self' means?

Write your definition of valuing self and give examples of doing this and not doing this.

Emotion Poems

Excitement - Josiah Hunt

Excitement is the spark that dances inside you
Excitement is bright yellow like burning embers
Excitement is the greatest emotion of all
It makes you jump and quiver like a squirrel
It makes you twist and writhe like a snake
It will prepare you for what is to come

HAPPINESS - Tayla Hohaia

High with excitement
Happiness is the colour yellow
Peircing like the sun
Poppy like popcorn
Interesting like the Herdenator
Noisey because of the kids laughter
Enjoying balls bouncey,bounce
Smiling laughing having fun
Secrets enjoyed the day is done

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Is obesity a problem for kiwi kids? What could be the cause of Obesity? Should NZ limit the amount of junk food available - why or why not?